Human quality, cost-effective MTPE

Machine Translation Post Editing Specialists

Human quality, cost-effective MTPE

Machine Translation Post Editing Specialists

by wWOKrR9z6kL2

Is Machine Translation Post Editing like Google Translation?

Machine Translation Post Editing, is when content is automatically translated by a leading Machine Translation “Engine” (i.e. not Google), and then edited by a human professional translator to render the quality acceptable.

MontLingo is well versed in MTPE, its pitfalls and the type of projects that are ideal for this type of process.

So we can’t use MTPE on everything?

In MontLingo’s experience, MTPE works better on certain types of projects. Lists for example, or short sentences are acceptable for this type of approach.

Does MontLingo use MTPE internally on client projects?

Great question!

In fact, MontLingo doesn’t use Machine Translation on client projects, unless of course we’ve discussed it and obtained approval from the client to do so. So if you’re an existing client and you’re wondering if we use MT on your content, trust us, you’d know for sure if we were, so the question itself yeilds the answer of “No”.

We thought you used that Translation Technology stuff?

Fair enough. MontLingo uses a translation environment to render our translators more consistent and efficient… for you. It does not mean that we use automated translation within that environment.

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